Shifting Gears – a 40 minute lifestyle seminar
‘Shifting Gears’ is a 40 minute presentation that helps retirees make the transition from a lifetime of saving and accumulating to the new life of spending and enjoying. But now, in addition to managing money wisely, retires also need to focus on using money wisely.
Sometimes we forget that money is only a utility - and it is only useful when it is used to help us achieve our goals.
If retirees don’t have a plan to use their capital wisely they lose an opportunity for greater enjoyment, and even worse, the larger estate that is left behind may cause more grief than happiness for their heirs.
In the seminar the following issues are addressed.
- How to shift gears from growing wealth to using wealth.
- How to clarify your financial, lifestyle and estate goals.
- How to determine what is essential capital and what is surplus capital.
- The pros and cons of each of the five options of dealing with surplus capital.
- Six reasons why it makes sense to give heirs an ‘advance’ on their inheritance.
- Why the study at Harvard of 4,000 millionaires concluded that it was best if the parents gave the money away so their children could make their own money.
- How philanthropy can increase happiness for both parents and children.
- How the family discussion reduces the possibility of a dispute over the estate.
- Knowing the risk and the cost of trying to protect against unlikely events.
- How to make the big decisions that have both financial and emotional impact.
- Why retirees should ‘treat themselves’ to a reliable source of happiness.
- Why ‘surplus’ capital is not talked about.
- Why 70% of wealth transitions fail.
For more information and seminar dates contact Warren MacKenzie at 416 979 3820 or cell 416 904 7781 or